Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Amazon Books on Senior or Elder Care (not prioritized)

Eldercare For Dummies by Rachelle Zukerman

The Eldercare Sourcebook by Joan C. Breitung

Dr. Andrew Weil's Healthy Aging Starring Andrew Weil DVD!

"But I Don't Want Eldercare!" by Terry Lynch and Mary Anne Harvey

Some books, not prioritized, found on!

Massachusetts Elder Resources

1. Aging in the Know

2. Making your wishes known

9. National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys login to see online library

10. Volunteer Lawyers for the Elderly Project (VLEP)

12. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid

14. Massachusetts Senior Care Assoication

15. Executor’s duties in Massachusetts

16. Estate Planning in Massachusetts

Getting Down to Talk

How would you want to be approached?

What do you want?

How are we going to proceed and whats the best way to support ?

The time to make decisions is not when we are in the midst of an emergency.

We don't want to make decisions when someone is hurt or dying...too hard and too many emotions but its obviously not an easy topic.

What short term goals do you have? Long term goals? What services or supports you need now, soon, in the future? What services are available? What are the legal issues of where you live?

Who can help you, friends, family, lawyer, services? Do you have a living will, a will, a list of banks, doctors, lawyers etc. Do you have someone who has a power of attorney, in case of an emergency?

There are lot's of books out there, many you can read on kindle... Gather information.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Start at the beginning

Here's an interesting book worth checking out

The Complete Eldercare Planner, Revised and Updated Edition: Where to Start, Which Questions to Ask, and How to Find Help [Paperback]

Joy Loverde (Author)